Spansolina FC 4 - 3 Team FATA

15 Nov 09 (St Wilfrid)
Spansolina FC 4
3 Team FATA

Galvin X 2

We had a turnout of 14 people excluding 3 people who pulled by the day before.

In what it seems to be a good day for some ball kicking after months, we lost a game not to our opponent but to ourselves. We have no one to blame, weather was good, ref was good, opponent wasn't the strongest of all, but we were worse. Sign of rustiness were seen in every department, defense weren’t alert, midfield not controlling enough, attackers not sharp. And I blame no one but myself for missing in action for the longest time.

First Half (4-5-1)
Munzir Siong Lionel Jack Marcus
Sean WeeHian Collin KianHock

Trailing 1-3 going into half time.

Second Half (4-5-1)
Galvin Cambiasso Eugene Marcus Munzir
Simon Jack Sean KianHock

We managed to come back to 3-3 before conceding the vital goal.

The bad
- Everything except below

The good
- Newcomer Eugene was everywhere in the middle of the pitch, he is staking his claim for the DM position!
- Galvin was at his best terrifying defence with his dribbling and scored 2 goals
- Marcus with his 2 great assist from the central midfield

- Contributed by Collin


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